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​climate change

poverty, inequity,

disillusionment with globalization


Data problem, who’s in charge?

Who should be ?



Digital Economy

Hi There,

My name is Lindsey and I am currently a chemical engineer graduate student
university of Toronto.


I have been interested in deep learning and data science because of my curiosity in understanding how intelligence(ideas, knowledge,patterns) affects the evolution of our physical and social worlds.  For example, in my recent project, I want to understand how to view ideas from very different fields and connect them together. I used text as an approximation for mapping the ideas and see if there are any emerging patterns. For example, Fourier Transform that is often associated with constructing complicated signal from basic components, but we can also find parallels of this idea in human interaction in which we form diverse and complicated social interactions from basic accepted norms(culture, languages).  

When I explored, I am excited to find that how much connectings are found in very different genres/division. I found calculated mathematical rules in quantitative trading in
social rules of human interactions and cultures. I realize that 'emotional' strategies are not irrational as some economist says, but an logical evaluation of risk and consequences. I can  resort to game theory to start giving rationals for morals, ethics and rules in romantic relationship. I start seeing that there is preferred order in parenting and how nurture and nature are not two separate source of affects. But these are just the start and I keep finding myself correcting / updating perspectives.

The availability of vast amounts of digital data allows me to start exploring this idea but I need to search for the key insight that allows me to find useful patterns in data.  I am looking for an opportunity that allows me to keep learning new tools, reading different people’s ideas and doing projects that allows me to keep exploring intelligence.


I am looking for curious people constantly and would love to discuss ideas! Shoot me a message on facebook: lindseypeng


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