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Cannabis Concentration

I propose a imaging solution to verify chemical content of cannabis. The service is an alternative to high liquid chromatography for users to test cannabinoid content(THC,CBD,etc.) via their phone cameras. We build a large data sets crossmatching chemical contents with various techniques to various images quality, and using statistical algorithms to identify patterns that can be used by users. I am implementing YOLO/Darkflow for the image recognition


The objective of applying convolution neural network was to detect the locations of all the objects in a hologram and identify their depth position without going through iterative reconstruction steps. We have shown that this can be done using YOLO by training it to recognize 5 different depths on simulated holograms with 100 percent precision. We have shown that neural network can be used to replace specialized mathematical expertise required traditionally. In addition, we have shown that this can be done using YOLO for 3 localization 6 times faster than conventional calculations.

Holographic Microscopy

This is my current master project at Christopher Yip's Lab at University of Toronto. The goal is to develop a high temporal 3d imaging system to study behaviours and dynamics of micro organisms.

Digital  holographic microscopy (DHM) can refocus objects in 3D space from one single out of a single out of focused 2-D image. It can also reconstruct both intensity and phase images to image both transparent or opaque objects in transparent media. It uses light scattering properties hence does not require labeling agents.

DHM features far superior acquisition speed and increase axial resolution or imaging depth. This makes DHM an appropriate imaging technique for tracking dynamics and interactions of micro-organisms in vitro.

Sustainable City

I founded the sustainable city club in 2019( The objective is to find linkminded students to innovate,think,collaborate on today's global trends and how to identify the right questions we need to solve regarding sustainability.


The small project was from a international development courses. The project focuses on the issue revolving around lack of clean energy for cooking in many parts of developing countries  leading to some serious health issues and environmental concerns.
I build a solar cooker during one of the with a simple cardboard and aluminum, with areas of appropriate sunlight exposure and given enough time, you can cook simple meals with it.
I made a video with clips found some youtube highlighting the problem with the process of me making the solar cooker. The voice over is contributed Kris D.

Undergrad Research Project

this is a research course i took where i designed the experiment, purchased the materials, collected data with high speed camera recording and calculated the critical flipping conditions of a disk (specific Reynolds number). 

Capstone Group Project

This is my final year group project where we implemented a design to an actual oil production site to re-use hydrogen running in a waste stream. We obtained a A+ for the project course
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