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Fostering reproducibility in industry-academia research

reproducibility issue in science has also been a issue but is gaining more tractions in the past couple years in publics and thus political region. Some of the suggestions are interesting:

1. set up the proper protocols for experimental procedures

2. set up the social structure in which validation of information is mandatory ( for example, granting agencies can make it a uniform standard)

3. this may drive institutions , private or public, that focuses solely on validation of data and reproducibilities

However, a proposal to rely on the disciplines of individual, to properly train every new generation to comply with a complete and tedious multi-steps validations for each experiment is naive..

It seems to be wishful thinking to have such trust in the general human nature in reporting and follow through with tedious protocols(especially for the individuals that has a agenda to manipulate and hide data)...... r

the best way for prevention is not through personnel practices, but to design a system that does not allow mistakes or malicious manipulations. The way is to automate all the procedures: the future of research lab is most experiments are done through robotics, while data are automatically shared in clouds and published, bypassing human biases and intents. This means we don't need to hire researchers minions to do unwanted work...

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