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Rationality , a tool serving the emotions

Rationality is perhaps only a tool used by emotions--the conflicted choices (short term versus long term pleasure) both are emotional based, but each can use rationality to tell you what will happen if you do this or that and hence make a strong case against each other. Rationality does not make the decision, it is merely an means to an end to serve your emotional arguments

thus we can deduct clearly about arguments of political issues will never get resolved, big data only further polarizes political groups because :

1. rationality cannot be separated from emotions, its a tool used by emotions. 2. there is infinite number of plausibilities to test out and hence we have to rely on the collective(or majority) biases

However, the majority isn't necessary majority of people---it is the first loud , well spoken and aggressive speaker that dictates what "majority" thinks---if we are too afraid to speak up against the opinion, then the loud and aggressive person will takes out variation in opinions and ultimately lead to a very biased choice based on the very biased opinion of such individual

the conclusion is that we would need to stop arguing against each other in political matters as it is literally a complete waste of time and the best way to resolve a issues is to try . something. in small scale and evaluate results and act again based on such results

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